AxxilaHQ models automatically adapt to your documents and data
Document upload
Connect your channels. Documents in any file type (PNG, PDF, Email (with attachements), DOC(X), HTML, XML, XLSX, JSON, …) are imported automatically or can be added manually. AxxilaHQ passes all documents through an OCR (optical character recognition) pipeline.
Machine Learning
AxxilaHQ’s context engine searches for document context and meaningful patterns in the data and automatically derives a knowledge model. Searchable metadata is added automatically to your data.
Full-text Search
The AxxilaHQ full-text search index is a specialized data structure that enables the fast, efficient searching of large volumes of data. AxxilaHQ provides a simple GUI for text search and can determine the language and genre of your documents, text, words, channels, sources and versions and many more.
Customized scheme
You can customize the document and data knowledge model (scheme) to your specific needs in a user friendly interface by providing context and telling what a document and content are all about and which documents and specific data from these documents (Data of Interest) you are looking for. AxillaHQ models are self-learning and automatically adapt to all your data.
AxxilaHQ read and process any type of document, accurately extracting text, handwriting, tables, and other data with no manual effort. You can use one of our pretrained or custom features to quickly automate document processing, whether you’re automating order and invoicing processing or extracting information from loans, HR contracts, or receipts. AxxilaHQ provides you the ability to customize our pretrained knledge models to meet the document processing needs specific to your business. AxxilaHQ uses context to understand documents and content and processes documents and data in minutes instead of hours or days.
The customized document and data knowledge model enables you to find all needed information within context.
Data workflow
You can also export the found information to various formats via a REST-API and data workflow. AxxilaHQ also provides a low-code data workflow composer and orchestrator for data integration needs.
Long term solution
The AxxilaHQ marketplace offers a pre-built connector library with a number of customized connectors. The connectors enables you to connect to an external environment. You can find connectors that were developed by partners, third-party vendors, and Intelligence.
The best way to use AxxilaHQ is our Managed Cloud. Customers who want to manage AxxilaHQ themselves, whether on public, private, or hybrid cloud, can download the software. AxxilaHQ self-managed includes features to deploy, orchestrate, and operate the software. It also includes features for advanced security, teams, multi-environment, localization, and high-availability.
100% your data
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